are those of our customers


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« The support from WHY Consulting was particularly appreciated by all managers and sales representatives involved in the process. Through a quick adaptation to the context and the culture at Air France KLM, as well as through a very operational approach, in co-construction, WHY Consulting was able to foster adherence of the teams and the pleasure of working together. This was decisive for the rapid growth of our sales performance. »

Sébastien GUYOT
VP Corporates & Travel Agencies Sales, French Market


« I liked the very concrete and operational approach of WHY Consulting, which is based on a frame of reference of best practices to address Customer Orientation in its whole scope. This frame of reference covers all areas of customer orientation, from the understanding of needs to individual behaviours and through the “customer” commitment as well as many more aspects… »

Augustin (Gus) GARCIA
VP Quality  & Customer Satisfaction
Avionics Global Business Unit


« Customer satisfaction has always been a major concern at Senvion but we had difficulties in transforming this will into concrete actions. The intervention of WHY Consulting enabled to federate teams around a common vision of our customers’ expectations and highlight the aspects we needed to improve. WHY Consulting supported us to design and launch a transformation programme mobilising all departments of the company around a common goal: improve our customers’ trust and increase our market shares. This plan is a pillar of our growth strategy. »

Olivier PEROT
Managing Director


« The customer listening approach for ‘Key Accounts’ […] is particularly interesting and relevant. It helped us identify levers to reinforce significantly and durably our commercial relationships with our key accounts. This success is based on several points: a robust methodology […]; the consideration of our situation; the training and support of commercial functions; the integration of Key Account Management in our practices; the capacity to work in an international and multicultural environment and, finally, the web platform of WHY Consulting which enabled a very fast deployment of the project at a global level. »

Solvay Aroma Performance
Senior VP / Global Strategic Projects & Commercial Excellence Director


Control of the customers trust of a global industrial group


Becoming aware that customer trust is an asset that ensures the continued existence of the future activity, a global industrial Group (about 60 000 employees worldwide), wanted to set up a comprehensive approach to measure the level of trust of its largest customers, on a regular basis, and to reinforce its capacity to retain strategic accounts lastingly. The approach had to encompass all activities of the group in all the countries where the company operates. It was also important that the teams claimed ownership of the results to ensure fast and efficient responses to the expectations of their customers.

WHY Consulting’s approach

  • Design of a unique customer listening process for the entire Group, steered by the corporate quality management.
  • Assistance in the management of campaigns carried out for each of the activities.
  • Facilitation of a global network of consultants to conduct one to two-hour meetings in more than 20 different languages.
  • Use of the Why Customer Insight® platform to collect all information gathered, calculate trust indexes by customer account and country, and make this information available for activities and countries.
  • Involvement of the employees of the company to co-organise meetings alongside consultants.
  • Analysis of the results and illustration of the elements of progress for each perimeter, and presentation in front of the management teams.


  • 7 to 10 campaigns and more than 1,000 meetings each year.
  • All the Group activities covered every 2 years.
  • Continuous process fuelling a trust indicator reviewed quarterly by the executive management.
  • An approach highly appreciated by clients who sense progress between 2 campaigns.
  • For the past 4 years, steady growth of the turnover and the level of trust of the customers.

Development of the customer orientation in a company operating in the field of information systems


A survey carried out with about a hundred customers revealed a significant decline in satisfaction. The implementation of a new organisation generated drawbacks in the observation of delivery deadlines. However, what customers mainly blame is a lack of information and anticipation of these problems, stopping them from taking the necessary preventive measures. In general terms, customers expect more listening and understanding of their problems along with solutions to move forward. Also, beyond the actions taken to improve the observation of deadlines, the company wanted to implement a programme aiming at developing customer benchmarks of management and employees.

WHY Consulting’s approach

  • Facilitation of 3 working groups, 1 per profession (development, IT outsourcing, technical assistance), to characterise the way client situations are managed and identify the difficulties encountered by management and employees.
  • Design of a customer behavioural reference document, including a clear positioning of the company against customer expectations (“become a preferred partner”) and golden rules of customer relationship (listening, humility, anticipation, flexibility, …).
  • Design of an appropriate pedagogical programme intended for operational staff and their management:
    • Understand the relational expectations of customers
    • Develop trust with their correspondents on a daily basis
    • Understand how to manage the moments of truth
  • Deployment of the programme on 3 trial groups.
  • Handover to an internal training centre to deploy the programme to the rest of the company. Programme of internal communication to push the culture forward.


  • 1 year later, the average satisfaction rate rose by 10 points.
  • Strong interest from the teams to know how to deal with critical situations with customers who see there a way of staying calm in difficult situations.

Overhaul of the sales organisation of an industrialist and major player in the global management and reclamation of waste


Confronted with an environment increasingly more complex to master (changes in regulations, fluctuation in the price of raw materials, increased environmental awareness, …), customers express new expectations in terms of global solutions to address their sustainable development issues. Conscious of the need to adapt to its rapidly changing markets in order to ensure the continued existence of the development of its activities, the management of the Corporate market decides to plan an audit of its organisation and its sales performance.

WHY Consulting’s approach

  • A complete diagnosis of the organisation, the steering and the management of the sales activity is carried out over 3 months. It is based especially on an observation phase in the field (visits with sales representatives and to agencies, …) and conducting over 150 meetings with employees.
  • An optimisation plan of the sales organisation, embracing all lines of progress outlined in the diagnosis is presented to the general management who validates its deployment.
  • 8 major transformation projects involving more than 80 employees are initiated in a participative mode with the creation of multifunctional groups (sales, marketing, HR, information systems, …) to encourage interactions and share points of view.
  • The deployment of a new structure of the sales organisation is undertaken: new operational segmentation and prioritisation of the commercial action, reinforcement of marketing efforts, definition of a commercial channel, creation of the key position of Sales Manager, …
  • A working group consisting of sales managers makes a situational analysis of managerial practices and develops a “Frame of reference for the management of the commercial function”, responsible for outlining target practices and principles agreed within the company.
  • A comprehensive plan of training and understanding of the frame of reference is conducted over 6 months with seminars adapted to different stakeholders and facilitated by speakers from the company and consultants from WHY.


  • A sales organisation considered to be more agile by the management with roles and responsibilities clarified, as well as simpler operating modes shared by everyone.
  • In the field, the perception by teams to be able to better meet customers’ expectations and needs.
  • The launch of a new customer listening process, to measure and improve the performance of the company, which demonstrates the management’s willingness to position even more the customer at the centre of its strategy.

Agile transformation within the sales management of a major airline


Faced with a rapidly changing sector and a growing competitive pressure, a major airline decides to begin a process of revitalising its sales team and of strongly advancing its sales performance. The company shows its desire to obtain quick results ‘without breaking the existing organisation’, it wishes for a pragmatic and operational support that encourages mobilisation and adherence to change from the teams from the beginning of the project.

WHY Consulting’s approach

  • A semester of support, with a straight operational approach organised around the individual and collective mobilisation of the whole sales team. A focus, at first, on sales managers before working with sales representatives themselves.
  • A launching seminar of the transformation with sales managers: implementation, cohesion and commitment of the group in the project, in a ‘creative’ spirit of ‘co-construction’ with consultants.
  • An individual and collective coaching of managers (2 series of 10 weeks of individual and collective coaching in the field) centred on sales performance and their role in steering this performance.
  • A training of managers (about the fundamentals of sales management) and co-construction of a new frame of reference for sales management.
  • Dynamising trainings of sales representatives on best customer relationship practices.
  • A support and transfer of expertise to sales teams but also to L&D / Sales School
    (co-design of a sales training course).
  • A measure of the 1st results from the evolution of managerial practices, directly to sales representatives.
  • A dynamic support of the implementation of a new CRM.


  • Quick adherence of managers to the need of changing their practices.
  • Strong dynamic of adopting new ways of management and operation by managers.
  • Opening on practices / visions external to the company.
  • Creation of a momentum of change led by managers and directors.
  • Invigoration of sales force and management in the field.