Winner of the 2017 Quality Performance Book Award !
The award was given to Serge Rouvière, Managing Director at WHY Consulting, for his publication “Customer Orientation, the ultimate differentiation among companies” (“Culture Client, l’ultime différentiation entre les entreprises”), during the “Award for Operational Excellence and Quality” ceremony (“Prix de la Qualité et de l’Excellence opérationnelle”) held on January 30, 2017, in Paris.
This event was organised by the France Quality Performance Association (Association France Qualité Performance – AFQP) and the French general competitiveness authority (Direction Générale des Entreprises – DGE), under the aegis of the French Ministry of the Economy and Finance and – for the first time in 2017– by the National Confederation of French Employers (MEDEF – Mouvement des Entreprises de France).
Created 14 years ago by Air France, la Poste, Juhliet and EDF, the Book Award for Quality and Performance (Prix du Livre Qualité et Performance) is the gold standard for authors of publications on quality and performance. It is intended to reward books on the themes of quality and performance to encourage the publication of books on these topics, their reading and the implementation, within companies, of the presented tools of excellence.
For the 2017 edition, about sixty books were competing. 4 books supported by their “champions” were selected to compete in the final and “Customer Orientation, the ultimate differentiation among companies” (“Culture Client, l’ultime différentiation entre les entreprises”) won the votes!
“The book of Serge Rouvière offers a quick and enjoyable read. The author knows the topic well and delivers a pertinent, logical and clear message from the summary. Very comprehensive, it includes convincing references in each chapter which show how easy the recommended methods are to implement. It even provides the contact information of the listed companies. This book truly makes one want to apply the presented methods.”
Quote from the Jury of the Award for Operational Excellence and Quality (Prix Qualité et Excellence opérationnelle)