Interview of Serge Rouvière, Managing Director at WHY Consulting
The France Quality Performance Association (Association France Qualité Performance – AFQP) interviewed Serge Rouvière after winning the 2017 Book Award for his publication “Customer orientation, the ultimate differentiation among companies” (“Culture Client, l’ultime différentiation entre les entreprises”).
Excerpt from the interview:
AFPQ: What link do you make between “customer orientation” and quality?
Serge Rouvière: Being customer-oriented is making quality without knowing it!
Since the ISO 9001 v2000, the customer is at the heart of management systems. Bringing the voice of the customer at the heart of organisations has been one of the priorities of quality management departments. Now, these departments have a role in raising the organisations’ ability to understand the profound expectations and in having technical and relational answers, and services up to the customers expectations.
Read the article : Interview of Serge Rouvière Echanges Magazine #32_1st Q2017